在留資格認定証明書交付申請とは…What is the application for Certificate of Eligibility? (Google翻訳)

在留資格認定証明書交付申請とは…What is the application for Certificate of Eligibility? (Google翻訳)

【概要(Overview of the procedure)】


This is an application that foreign nationals who wish to enter Japan must submit before entering the country to prove that they meet the conditions for landing, such as that the activities they intend to carry out in Japan fall under one of the residence statuses (excluding “Temporary Visitor” and “Permanent Resident”)

【手続の根拠となる法律(The law governing the procedure)】


Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act Article 7-2

【手続対象者(Persons subject to the procedure)】


Foreigners wishing to enter Japan(excluding those intending to stay for a short period of time)

【申請時期(Application period)】


Please submit your application documents well in advance so that you can receive it before entering the country.

【申請提出者(Application Submitter)】




An employee of the institution that intends to accept the foreign national or other representative as specified by the Ministry of Justice ordinance)


Application agents, etc. who fall under any of the following (1) to (3) (those who can submit application documents on behalf of those listed under (1) or (2) above)

※ 上記1又は2の方が、日本に滞在している場合に限られます。

※ This applies only to those who fall under 1 or 2 above and are currently residing in Japan.


(1)Employees of public interest corporations whose purpose is to facilitate the smooth acceptance of foreign nationals and who are deemed appropriate by the Director-General of the Regional Immigration Bureau


(2)A lawyer or administrative scrivener registered with the Director of a Regional Immigration Bureau


(3)Legal representative of the applicant

【申請書・必要書類・部数(Application form, required documents, number of copies)】


Please submit the application form and documents according to your activities in Japan (status of residence).

(在留資格がわからない ⇨ 在留資格一覧表参照)

((If you are unsure of your status of residence, please refer to the list of status of residence.)

【提出先(Where to submit)】


The regional immigration office that has jurisdiction over your intended place of residence and the location of your host organization


※Do not submit by mail.

【受付時間(Reception time)】


Weekdays 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm


※Depending on the procedure, there may be designated days and times.

【オンライン申請(Online Application)】

オンラインでの申請も可能です。⇨ 在留申請のオンライン手続

You can apply online. ⇨ Online residence application procedures