How to change your status of residence from “International Student” to “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” Part 1: “Basic documents to be submitted”‐在留資格を「留学生」から「技術・人文知識・国際業務」に切り替える方法‐ Part1「基本的な提出書類」

How to change your status of residence from “International Student” to “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” Part 1: “Basic documents to be submitted”‐在留資格を「留学生」から「技術・人文知識・国際業務」に切り替える方法‐ Part1「基本的な提出書類」


58% of international students who graduate from Japanese institutions of higher education (universities, graduate schools, junior colleges, technical colleges, and vocational schools (specialized courses)) wish to find employment in Japan, but the actual employment rate is just over 40%.


The new statuses of residence are as follows: “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” for 86%, “Professor” for 3%, “Business Manager” for 3%, “Designated Activities” for 6%, and “Other” for 3%.


By type of employment, 18% are in manufacturing and 82% are in non-manufacturing. By country/region of origin, the rankings are 1) China, 2) Vietnam, 3) Nepal, 4) Sri Lanka, and 5) South Korea.

令和5年6月 文部科学省「外国人留学生の就職促進について」より

基本的な提出書類‐Basic documents to be submitted   ⇨カテゴリーとは? ⇨カテゴリー別必要書類は?

①在留資格変更許可申請書(7枚)‐Application for permission to change status of residence‐ 1通

②タテ4㎝×ヨコ3㎝の写真(本人の頭頂部からあご先までが撮影された、無帽、無背景、提出の日前6か月以内に撮影されたもの)‐A photograph measuring 4cm in height and 3cm in width (a photograph of the person from the top of the head to the tip of the chin, without a hat, against a plain background, taken within 6 months prior to the date of submission)

③「パスポート」及び「在留カード」の提示 ‐Present your passport and residence card

④各カテゴリーのいずれかに該当することを証明する文書 ‐Documents to prove that you fall into one of the categories (詳細はページを下にスクロールしてください ‐If you want to know more, scroll down the page)

⑤専門学校を卒業し、専門士又は高度専門士の称号を付与された者については、専門士又は高度専門士の称号を付与されたことを証明する文書(そのうち、外国人留学生キャリア形成促進プログラムとして認定を受けた学科を修了した者については、「認定学科修了証明書」 ‐For those who have graduated from a vocational school and been awarded the title of a specialist or advanced specialist, a document certifying that they have been awarded the title of a specialist or advanced specialist (among these, for those who have completed a course certified as part of the Career Development Promotion Program for International Students, a “Certificate of Completion of Certified Course” must be submitted).

⑥派遣契約に基づいて就労する場合(申請人が被派遣者の場合)は申請人の派遣先での活動内容を明らかにする資料(労働条件通知書(雇用契約書)等) ‐If working based on a dispatch contract (if the applicant is a dispatched person), documents clarifying the applicant’s activities at the dispatched workplace (notice of working conditions (employment contract, etc.)

【カテゴリー別「証明書類」 ‐Certification documents by category】 

カテゴリー1(Category 1)

  • 四季報の写し又は日本の証券取引所に上場していることを証明する文書(写し)‐A copy of the quarterly report or a document certifying that the company is listed on a Japanese stock exchange (copy)
  • 主務官庁から設立の許可を受けたことを証明する文書(写し)‐A copy of the document certifying that the company has been approved by the competent authority
  • 高度専門職省令第1条第1項各号の表の特別加算の項の中欄イ又はロの対象企業(イノベーション創出企業)であることを証明する文書(例えば、補助金交付決定通知書の写し)‐Documents verifying that the company is an eligible company (innovation-creating company) for the special allowance in the table of each item of Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the Ministerial Ordinance on Highly Skilled Professionals (for example, a copy of the subsidy decision notice)⇨イノベーション創出企業一覧
  • 「一定の条件を満たす企業等」であることを証明する文書(例えば、認定証等の写し)‐Documents proving that the company meets certain conditions (e.g., copies of certifications, etc.) ⇨ 一定の条件を満たす企業等とは

カテゴリー2(Category 2)

  • 前年分の職員の給与所得の源泉徴収票等の法定調書合計表(受付印のあるものの写し)‐A copy of the statutory report such as the withholding slip for employee salary income for the previous year (with a receipt stamp)
  • 在留申請オンラインシステムに係る利用申出の承認を受けていることを証明する文書(利用申出に係る承認のお知らせメール等)[カテゴリー3に該当することを立証する資料を提出した上で、在留申請オンラインシステムの利用申出が承認された機関に限る。] ‐Documents proving that the application to use the online residence application system has been approved (e.g., notification email of approval of application) [Only for institutions that have submitted documents proving that they fall under Category 3 and have had their application to use the online residence application system approved.]

カテゴリー3(Category 3)