How to change your status of residence from “International Student” to “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” Part 3: “What are categories?”‐在留資格を「留学生」から「技術・人文知識・国際業務」に切り替える方法‐ Part 3「カテゴリー別必要書類は?」

How to change your status of residence from “International Student” to “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” Part 3: “What are categories?”‐在留資格を「留学生」から「技術・人文知識・国際業務」に切り替える方法‐ Part 3「カテゴリー別必要書類は?」

カテゴリー毎に必要な書類が違います。‐The documents required for each category are different.

【カテゴリ1・2にて必要な書類】‐Documents required for categories 1 and 2

  1. 申請人の活動の内容等を明らかにする次のいずれかの資料 ‐Any of the following documents that clarify the applicant’s activities, etc.
    (1)労働契約を締結する場合 ‐When concluding a labor contract
    労働基準法第15条第1項及び同法施行規則第5条に基づき、労働者に交付される労働条件を明示する文書 1 -A document clearly stating the working conditions to be issued to workers in accordance with Article 15, Paragraph 1 of the Labor Standards Act and Article 5 of the Enforcement Regulations of the same Act.
    (2)日本法人である会社の役員に就任する場合 ‐When taking up a position as an officer of a Japanese corporation
    役員報酬を定める定款の写し又は役員報酬を決議した株主総会の議事録(報酬委員会が設置されている会社にあっては同委員会の議事録)の写し 1通 ‐A copy of the articles of incorporation that stipulate the remuneration of directors or a copy of the minutes of the general shareholders’ meeting that resolved the remuneration of directors (or the minutes of the remuneration committee in the case of a company that has established such committee)
    (3)外国法人内の日本支店に転勤する場合及び会社以外の団体の役員に就任する場合 ‐When transferring to a Japanese branch of a foreign corporation or taking up a position as an officer of an organization other than a company.
    地位(担当業務)、期間及び支払われる報酬額を明らかにする所属団体の文書 1通 ‐One document from the organization that clarifies the position (job responsibilities), period, and amount of remuneration to be paid.
  2. 申請人の学歴及び職歴その他経歴等を証明する文書 ‐Documents verifying the applicant’s academic history, work history, and other background.
    (1)申請に係る技術又は知識を要する職務に従事した機関及び内容並びに期間を明示した履歴書 ‐One resume indicating the institution, content, and period in which you worked in a position requiring the skills or knowledge related to the application.
    (2)学歴又は職歴等を証明する次のいずれかの文書 ‐Any of the following documents verifying your academic or work history
    1. 大学等の卒業証明書又はこれと同等以上の教育を受けたことを証明する文書。なお、DOEACC制度の資格保有者の場合は、DOEACC資格の認定証(レベル「A」、「B」又は「C」に限る。) 1通 ‐A university graduation certificate or a document certifying that you have received an equivalent education. If you are a DOEACC qualification holder, you must submit a DOEACC qualification certificate (levels A, B, or C only).
    2. 在職証明書等で、関連する業務に従事した期間を証明する文書(大学、高等専門学校、高等学校又は専修学校の専門課程において当該技術又は知識に係る科目を専攻した期間の記載された当該学校からの証明書を含む。) 1通 ‐A document such as a certificate of employment that certifies the period during which you have engaged in related work (including a certificate from a university, college of technology, high school, or vocational school indicating the period during which you majored in a subject related to the relevant skill or knowledge).
    3. IT技術者については、法務大臣が特例告示をもって定める「情報処理技術」に関する試験又は資格の合格証書又は資格証書 1通 ‐For IT engineers, a certificate of passing an exam or qualification related to “information processing technology” as specified by the Minister of Justice through a special public notice.
      ※ 【共通】5の資料を提出している場合は不要 ‐[Common] Not required if you have submitted document 5
    4. 外国の文化に基盤を有する思考又は感受性を必要とする業務に従事する場合(大学を卒業した者が翻訳・通訳又は語学の指導に従事する場合を除く。)は、関連する業務について3年以上の実務経験を証明する文書 1通 ‐If you are going to work in a job that requires a way of thinking or sensitivity based on a foreign culture (excluding university graduates working in translation, interpretation, or language instruction), you must provide a document certifying that you have at least three years of work experience in the relevant job.
  3. 登記事項証明書 1通 ‐Certificate of registration
  4. 事業内容を明らかにする次のいずれかの資料 ‐Any of the following documents that clarify the business details
    (1)勤務先等の沿革、役員、組織、事業内容(主要取引先と取引実績を含む。)等が詳細に記載された案内書 1通 ‐A detailed guide to the company’s history, officers, organization, business activities (including major clients and business results), etc.
    (2)その他の勤務先等の作成した上記(1)に準ずる文書 1通 ‐Documents equivalent to (1) above prepared by other employers, etc.
  5. 直近の年度の決算文書の写し。新規事業の場合は事業計画書 1通 ‐A copy of the most recent fiscal year’s financial statements, and a business plan in the case of a new business.

【カテゴリ3にて必要な書類】‐Documents required for categories 3

上記の【カテゴリー1・2にて必要な書類】に加えて…In addition to the documents required for Categories 1 and 2 listed above…

  1. 前年分の職員の給与所得の源泉徴収票等の法定調書合計表を提出できない理由を明らかにする次のいずれかの資料 ‐Any of the following documents that explain the reason why you cannot submit a statutory report such as a tax withholding slip for employee salary income for the previous year.
    (1)源泉徴収の免除を受ける機関の場合 ‐Institutions exempt from withholding tax.
    外国法人の源泉徴収に対する免除証明書その他の源泉徴収を要しないことを明らかにする資料 1通 ‐Certificate of exemption from withholding tax for foreign corporations or other documents that show that withholding tax is not required.
    (2)上記(1)を除く機関の場合 ‐For institutions other than those listed in (1)
    1. 給与支払事務所等の開設届出書の写し 1通 ‐A copy of the notice of establishment of a salary payment office, etc.
    2. 次のいずれかの資料A copy of the notice of establishment of a salary payment office, etc.
      (ア) 直近3か月分の給与所得・退職所得等の所得税徴収高計算書(領収日付印のあるものの写し) 1通 ‐Income tax statement for the last three months, including salary income, retirement income, etc. (copy of receipt with date stamp)
      (イ) 納期の特例を受けている場合は、その承認を受けていることを明らかにする資料 1通 -If a special delivery date has been granted, documents certifying that approval have been granted.